Francesca Bucciarelli Ducci

     Rome          Tel. +39 06 69924591, Fax +39 06 6791016
     Arezzo         Tel. +39 0575 355064, Fax +39 0575 27683
     E-mail          This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
     Languages   Italian, English
     P.IVA.           IT 01885120517

Practice areas: Commercial Law, Corporate Law, Private Law, Family Law, Inheritance Law, Real Estate, Litigation


Giulio Corsini

     Rome          Tel. +39 06 69924591, Fax +39 06 6791016
     E-mail          This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
     Languages   Italian, English
     P.IVA.           IT 06822551005

Practice areas: Commercial Law, Corporate Law, Real Estate, Private (International) Law, Labour Law, Family Law, Inheritance Law, Intellectual Property, Litigation, Arbitration


Maria Theresia Roerig Corsini

foto marie      Rome            Tel. +39 06 69924591, Fax +39 06 6791016
     E-mail           This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
     Languages    Italian, German, English, French
     P.IVA             IT 06670371001

Practice areas: Commercial Law, Corporate Law, Private (International) Law, German and Comparative Law, Labour Law, Industrial & Intellectual Property, Unfair Competition, Litigation, (International) Arbitration


Sarah Pasetto

     Rome            Tel. +39 06 69924591, Fax +39 06 6791016
     E-mail           This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
     Languages    Italian, English, French, Mandarin, Croatian

Practice areas: EU Law (Antitrust, State Aid), Comparative Law, UK Law (Civil Law, Labour law, Public and Administrative Law).


Eleonora Russo

     Rome              Tel. +39.06.69924591
     E-mail             e.russoThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
     Languages       Italian, French, English, Spanish

     Consultant - Collaborator

 Practice areas: European Union Law, International Environmental Law, Company & Corporate Law


Maria Vittoria Martini Tondani Ganganelli

2014-01-24 16.10.101     Arezzo           Tel. + 39 0575 24812, mobil: 3475306554, Fax +39 0575 24812

     E-mail            This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

     Languages      Italian, English, French, German

     P.IVA             IT 01885120517



Practice areas: Civil Law, Corporate Law, Commercial Law, Insolvency Law, Private International Law, Litigation.



Arsenio Rossoni

foto     Rome              Tel. +39.06.69924591, Fax. +39 06 6791016
     E-mail              This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

     Languages        Italian, English, French, Russian

     Of Counsel



Practice areas: Civil law, Company and Corporate Law, Business Consultancy, International contracts, Auditor and Controller


BDC & PG Legal

BDC Legal also collaborates with PG Legal's professionals (